Old Dhaka Urban Rejuvenation with Focus on Heritage Integration

The Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) and the Kyushu University (KU) of Japan organized a Joint Studio with the L4/TI students of the Department of Architecture, BUET and Senior students of the Department of Environmental Design, KU. The joint exercise was mutually beneficial for both the parties by sharing their respective experience......
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Workshop on “Promoting Road Safety for Children” held at ARI, BUET

A two day long workshop on “Promoting Road Safety for Children” was organized by the Accident Research Institute (ARI), BUET, held in the seminar room of the ARI on 6th & 7th August, 2015.The opening ceremony started at 9.30 am on 6th August.The aim of this Workshop was to aware the experts from different relevant organizations about factors of child road accidents......


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